Links for Mammalogy

Wild Mammal Blog - Great site for review of recent research!

Nature: The best biology show on TV (and you don't even need cable)!

Intro to Chordates -A good introduction to the Chordates from The Museum of Vertebrate Zoology, UC-Berkeley.

Animal Diversity Nice pictures and information from University of Michigan Museum of Zoology.

Tree of Life A complete up-to-date phylogenetic hypothesis for everything!

Track plate photos! These are from California but there is some overlap.

Mammalogy Resources  Lots of good links to mammal web pages and organizations.

Explore a Bat Cave!  Crawl through a tropical bat cave, courtesy of The Royal Ontario Museum.

Mammal Species of the World  A complete list and valuable reference.

Walker's Mammals of The World  The online version of the classic reference. Most areas require a password for access.